
Welcome, thank you so much for supporting us in making music accessible to all New Zealanders! 

Two-step donation process...

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{{errors.first('rs-0cb1-c902-f5fc', 'rs-0cb1-b45e-7da9')}}

Thank you so much for your support!! We will be in touch shortly with a receipt so you can claim your tax credit.

Submit the form and make a deposit

Once your form is submitted you can make your donation by direct deposit to:

WMET (Wellington Music Education Trust) 
Ref: Donation
Account: 12-3485-0016505-00

We will be in contact with your receipt as soon as the donation is visible in the account. 

Donations are eligible for tax credit!

After you make your donation, you will receive a receipt and can claim a 33% tax credit on your donation from the Inland Revenue Department. That means if you give $100 you'll get $33 back!

To claim your credit, fill in a credit claim form (IR526), attach a copy of your donation receipt and send to the Inland Revenue Department. WMET will acknowledge every donation at the time of payment and issue a donation receipt. 

Unsure if you qualify for a tax credit? Get in touch with your tax advisor or visit 


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